Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Babylon Berlin

Babylon Berlin by Volker Kutscher, 2007

I read this book in March 2021. It took about a week. I had watched the TV series on Netflix a couple of years ago and was surprised to see this book recently available as an e-book from the public library. I really didn't know anything about the novel from which the tv series was developed although I knew it was a German story.

I also discovered that this is a series featuring the Berlin detective Gereon Rath that takes place in 1929 was an international bestseller too.

I liked the TV series a lot and the book was awesome too. I hope there is a second season and the library makes more books available.

I've been reading a lot of Phillip Kerr's Bernie Gunther Berlin detective series over the past ten years or so and was excited to find another Berlin Noir series set in that time period. It looks like there are eight books in the series.

The Netflix show in 2018 was actually the first two seasons of the German series that was shown as one 8 episode season that combined two episodes for each American episode. It covered the first novel. The 3rd season has been shown in Germany and in other parts of the world but not in the US yet.

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