Friday, September 18, 2020

The Fox Virus

It has become increasingly apparent that the real deadly virus attacking our nation is the misinformation campaign from the Fox propaganda network.

The Fox network and the president himself are directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans because of their misinformation and lies. 

While they like to call the disease the China Virus or the Kung Flu. Over the past several months I've referred to it as the Trump Virus because of the inept mishandling of the pandemic by the Trump Administration but I've started calling it the Fox Virus or the Fox Flu because of their contribution to the spread of the pandemic.

It's shocking that there are so many people who get all their information from Fox. People living in a bubble that reinforces all of their own hate and bigotry. It really is sad.

We know there have always been people like that all throughout American history but the modern media and the internet has put so many of these people into constant contact with each other. It is also scary.

I take a look at Fox every day. Most of the time I don't last very long watching it because the network almost always immediately verifies what I think about their hateful rhetoric and misinformation. Their political agenda is on display at all times. Their propaganda is there for all to see. Their manipulation of their viewers is so obvious that it boggles the mind that people take this all in. 

The only thing I can think of to explain this phenomenon is that people knowing go to that network to bet their hate verified and stroked. To make themselves feel good about their bigotry and self-centered political beliefs.

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