Monday, July 3, 2023

American Psychosis - MAGA Dystopia

American Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy by David Corn and Steven Jay Cohen, 2022

Well, now this was fun. Basically an expose of how the Republican party since the 1950's has been exploiting and encouraging extremism, racist bigotry, and paranoia to gain power. It's really been obvious but it's good to have it all in one place and David Corn has done a good job doing it. He writes a well researched account about the hidden history of how the GOP has used resentful kooks, racists and conspiracy-mongers to try and win elections and destroy American democracy. It's all there. Then there is the transformation of the Republican Party into the cult of Trump. He covers McCarthyism, the John Birch Society, the segregationist, the militia movement, the Tea Party, Fox News, the religious right, the KKK, right wing talk radio and Trumpism. Lots more too. The right wing fear, grievance, hatred, paranoia, tribalism, and the replacement theory. He basically covers why Donald Trump happened to America.

I started this book in late April and it took me quite a couple of months to complete it. I had to download the e-book again at the library. I liked it but it was also so disturbing that I had to take a couple of breaks from it.

I've always liked David Corn as a journalist for the Atlantic and analyst for MSNBC. He's always been right on. I had read one of his previous books about the Iraq war. 

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