Monday, July 10, 2023

Adirondack Museum 2023

Another day at the Adirondack Museum. We always set aside a day when we are vacationing in Long Lake for a morning at the museum in Blue Mountain Lake. Usually a rainy day or a threat of rain. This time it was a little bit rainy and there was significant rain in the forecast. Well, that's a perfect day for taking the kids to the museum. It has been a tradition for decades to take our kids there rainy day or not.

Henry and Clara love the museum and always enjoy themselves. Andrew and Violet loved it too although they were discovering the museum. Violet loved being around people and trying to walk around on her own. I had the Violet watch for much of the morning. She also loves getting people's attention and smiling at them. People loved it.

Henry always loves the craft tables and especially one with some guy explaining woods craft, animals, etc. He likes to hang around with these guys and listening to all of their explanations. He liked doing this last year too.

When we walked into the museum the first thing Henry and Clara wanted to do was to sit in the boats. Then Violet joined them. They also liked being on the train. Maybe the highlight for the little ones was playing with the pretend campfire and food cooking. The older kids loved the river logging activity.

Then we had some lunch in museum cafeteria. Sandwiches were good as usual. Sean and Ashley had to leave with Andrew a little before that. He was tired and having a busy day. He needed his nap. Little Violet fell asleep in her car seat on the way back to our cabins just as we were ready to pull into the driveway. I was sitting beside her in the back of he van.

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