The phone settings... still getting used to this new phone. Over the past few days I was missing both regular phone calls and video chats from Katie and Sean. I knew something was wrong and I began exploring the obvious phone settings for sounds and notifications. I found the setting volume slide bar for phone rings was greyed out.
I started this hunt for settings after I saw that this evening Sean had called me for a video chat with Andrew. I was near my phone and should have heard it. I called him and left a message for him to call me back and that I was having some trouble with my phone not ringing.
A little while later I was sitting at the kitchen table with my phone next to me and I saw a phone call from Sean coming in. It was completely silent. Coincidently at the time Sean called I was searching Google for settings information about my Google Pixel 6 phone. Sean was also searching the settings too.
The solution was frustratingly obvious. I was digging deep into the phone settings when the problem was there to see by swiping down on the main screen. There is a "Do Not Disturb" image right there along with Internet, Bluetooth and Flashlight. The Do Not Disturb was highlighted in yellow which meant it was turned on. That setting blocks all sound notifications including phone rings. I tuned off that setting and the went back and looked at my phone settings for ring sounds and sure enough that slide bar was no longer greyed out. I thanked Sean profusely for pointing out the obvious. I'm sure I would have found that setting but I was really set on digging deep into the inner settings of this phone and was not looking for the obvious. Perhaps the Google search would have shown me that setting right away.
We brought Becky into the conversation on speaker phone and had a nice time talking about other things for awhile.
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