Friday, August 30, 2019

The Dublin Castle and Chester Beatty Library

On our day four in Dublin Damien, our Monograms host, highly recommended that we sign up for a guided tour of the Dublin Castle which we did and we were very glad  we did because it was incredibly interesting and filled with fascinating facts that we would never have known about. The guided tour was also the only way to get down to the lower levels of the castle to see the black pool from which Dublin got it's name. Dublin Castle was originally a fortress that defended the town along the River Liffey.

Until 1922 Dublin Castle was the seat of British power in Ireland and is still a major Irish government complex, a conference center and a tourist attraction with significant historical importance. We saw the living spaces of the British viceroys of Ireland which were amazing to see. We had a nice lunch at the complex.

While we were waiting for our tour of the Dublin Castle we killed some time across the street at the Chester Beatty Library which contains an amazing Manuscript Exhibit. This collection included books and manuscripts from every period and place imaginable from all over the world. I especially liked the variety of ancient manuscripts.

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