Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Holiday Storm Coming

Last night Katie called us to express their concerns about the significant national winter storm that was scheduled to come through the northeast over the holiday weekend. Their original plans were to take Henry out of school on Friday and drive all day to arrive in Buffalo in the evening. They were also considering beginning the trip on Thursday after school, go part way, stay in a motel and then arrive in Buffalo Friday afternoon. The weather forecast for Friday through Sunday is very bad for traveling throughout the country and the weather service has been pounding the media with travel warnings. Katie and Todd told us they changed their plans to begin their trip after school today, drive for a few hours, get a motel room and then continue the trip tomorrow.

Becky and I were talking about their trip just a couple of hours before Kate called. We were thinking that it would be best for them to either come early or come early next week after the storm has passed. Either way would be fine with us. We just wanted them to be safe.

The weather predictions for Buffalo over the weekend was for rain to start later Thursday afternoon and then change to snow by mid morning on Friday then it will be scattered snow showers all day Saturday. Sunday they are saying occasional snow showers. The rest of the week is not too bad.

This evening we heard from on the road having a quick dinner at a McDonalds. She said the roads were clear but the weather was cold. Same here. Then around 8:30 we got a text that they were in a motel in Syracuse. That was a lot closer to us than I thought they would get. They sent a picture of Henry and Clara sitting on a motel bed eating snacks and watching TV. They were having an adventure.

So we will probably see them tomorrow around noon or so and they will be here in Buffalo for a week. They will be in our house for the first five or six nights and then go downtown and spend several nights at Todd's parent's hotel where they have their apartment up on the 16th floor. They plan to leave to go home on the 31st depending on the weather of course. We'll see. 

Happy Winter Solstice.

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