Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day and More Snow

The day after Christmas is known in Great Britain as Boxing Day which is some kind of class tradition where the servants received their gifts the day following Christmas in the left over boxes of their employers or something like that. The only reason I know about it is because it's a big day of English soccer and I like watching the Premier League games on Boxing Day which we did today. Henry was watching with me and he seemed to really enjoy it too as he was learning about the game.

It also snowed more again overnight with another coating on everything. This time it wasn't windy. No blizzard conditions. The snow was mostly light and fluffy but covered everything with a few inches. The plowing hasn't been happening and the driving ban has been extended. Todd's family postponed their holiday dinner another day.

We're all getting a little stir crazy and we're fortunate that the kids have their new Christmas toys and books to keep them busy. 

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