Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Birds

Matinees & Drive-ins

The Birds, 1963

I saw this when it first came out and it scared the hell out of me. I was probably 12 and it was the first Hitchcock movie I saw on my own as it came out. I would see many of his earlier movies later but this was my first real experience of this filmmaker.

I had been seeing his TV show for several years but that was very tame compared to this movie. I had seen many scary monster and ghost movies at the Saturday matinee shows but this was different. It was more visceral. I remember really being scared by the attack of the birds on the school children and also the attack at the diner after the bird lady gave a scientific explanation about bird behavior and then said that if birds as a specie attacked humanity then it would be the end of the world. That was scary for a kid.

Of course Alfred Hitchcock would go on to be one of my favorite directors and I've seen many of his films.

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