Saturday, July 25, 2020

Horn & Hardart

These photos brings back memories. Hanging out at a Horn & Hardart automat was a thing for teenagers in the 1960’s. There was one up on Germantown Avenue a few blocks from our house near a record store that I hung out and regularly stopped by the H&H. There were plenty of them around the city and especially downtown. There was a time when you put change into a slot next to the window displaying the food. The meal was cheap.

Another one I went to a lot was located at Broad and Erie where I transferred from one trolley to another on my way to high school. Stopped by that one a lot especially when the trolleys were running slow because of snow.

I’ll bet someone is looking at that old business model again because the food automat concept works well in the pandemic world.  Walk up to a counter, get the food off of a shelf behind a little door, take it to a cashier behind a plastic barrier and pay, then walk to a table to eat.

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