Saturday, March 28, 2020

Vinyl Spins - Lou Reed Live

Vinyl Spins: Lou Reed – Rock ‘n’ Roll Animal, 1974 

One of my favorite live albums that I picked up at the time it was released. I saw Lou Reed perform during that tour in 1973. If I remember right I had just returned from a Navy cruise and some shipmates asked if I wanted to join them going to a concert in Norfolk to see Alice Cooper. I started to say no but asked who else was playing. They said somebody named Lou Reed is opening and then I said I’ll go.

He played lots of Velvet Underground songs and some music from his recently released Transformer album. I loved the intro that opens the album and leads into Sweet Jane. The guys I was with hadn’t heard of him but I’m sure they did a few weeks later as Walk On The Wild Side climbed up the charts. Who would have thought that song would be a big AM hit. This was a good show for an opening act but the theatrical Alice Cooper was a little over the top. I had seen Lou Reed once before with the Velvet Underground but that’s another story.

Later Lou Reed would release a second live album 1975 with more material from that concert on the 1973 tour. I got that one too.

Lou Reed – Lou Reed Live, 1975

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