Saturday, March 21, 2020

Last Night Out

Pandemically Speaking

Our last night out was with our friends Ron and Rosanne. We had been planning on getting together for dinner for some time. The pandemic was just starting in our area and people were starting to get concerned. We went out on Saturday March 14 which turned out to be the weekend before the State stay at home order was declared.

We went to Dobutzu for dinner. It served wonderful Asian influenced comfort food. We were aware of maintaining social distance. The restaurant was large and crowded but properly spaced apart. There were also families there having dinner. We did not feel uncomfortable. However, the bar area was very crowded with young people packed closely together. There was no social distancing taking place there whatsoever. It was not a place we wanted to hang around.

So after dinner we walked around the corner to check out Belt Line Brewery. We were able to sit at a table away from other people and ordered drinks from the bar which was not crowded. We stayed there for a couple and then called it a night.

I did post our evening on Facebook checking in with the restaurant and brewery. We caught hell from our daughter who said we should not have gone out. Well, that's the last time for who knows how long.

The weekend before we had gone to an art opening and people were still greeting each other with hugs and handshakes although some were starting to do elbow bumps. 

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