Saturday, February 15, 2020

The King at the Edge of the World

The Book List

The King at the Edge of the World by Arthur Phillips, 2020

I just finished this tonight and I either liked this book a lot or I didn't really care for it at all... I just can't decide. It was a good historical novel and I did learn a lot about the period and it was particularly interesting with the Muslim character in Elizabethan England. I'm not sure why I have the ambivalence about this book. It was a complex literary novel, a historical spy novel and had an interesting perspective but the plot motivation was essentially about whether someone is 
Catholic or Protestant. Yawn. This book needs to sink in.

I've had another one of his books, Prague from 2002 on my to read list since probably 2002. This makes me want to read it and check out his style. It had good reviews.

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