Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Readings 1990

Readings 1990. Looking back on the list now I'm shocked that there is only one nonfiction book which was a history of the Vietnam War. I was reading about one book a month and I was also going to graduate school at this time so I had a lot of school reading to do in 1990. A lot of what I was reading here was in the summer and some of these books certainly look like summer reading well except for that Salman Rushdie which was a disappointment.

It looks like I discovered Tom Clancy and read three of his political techno thriller novels.  I also went back and read some Edgar Allen Poe and James Cain. I liked that H. P. Lovecraft collection of his and others writing some very weird horror tales. Of course I also had some science fiction reading list.

  1. The Silence of the Lambs - Thomas Harris, 1988
  2. The Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie, 1988
  3. Billy Bathgate - E.L. Doctorow, 1989
  4. Burning Chrome - William Gibson, 1986
  5. Red Storm Rising - Tom Clancy, 1986
  6. Double Indemnity - James Cain, 1936
  7. The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales - Edgar Allan Poe, 1839
  8. The Hunt for Red October - Tom Clancy, 1984
  9. Count Zero - William Gibson, 1986
  10. Rama II - Arthur C. Clarke, 1989
  11. Patriot Games - Tom Clancy, 1987
  12. The Shockwave Rider - John Brunner, 1975
  13. Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos - Jim Turner, 1990
  14. Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam - Frances FitzGerald, 1972

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