Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Vinyl Spins - Album Cover

I think this is the only album I’ve ever purchased where I knew nothing about the band, the producer or anything else other than I liked the cover. The Chocolate Watchband’s The Inner Mystique, released in 1968, was their second album and would eventually be considered a classic of garage rock and psychedelia.  I bought this album in one of those small head shops that were popular back in 1968 that also sold a few albums along with the bongs, scarfs, posters and incense. So I was browsing the album bin and came across this one. I must have been stoned or something. Later I probably spent too much time pondering the list of dedications on the back cover.

This became one of my favorite albums of the period and I always carried it around with me when I was spinning records in bars during the 80's for my 60's nights. 

An interesting note about this album is that the original band from their first album only played on side two here and also only played garage band style cover songs. The spacey psychedelic songs on the first side were performed by the producer and session players. It all sounded good.

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