Sunday, November 13, 2011

Occupation Thoughts

Some thoughts on the Occupy Wall Street movement and related protests. I agree with the need to protest Wall Street 100% but it certainly doesn't stop there. It's a good place to make a stand but the movement needs to focus on many other objectives.

The corporate media has attacked the movement as aimless and continually ask for the objectives. The concept of the 1% waging class war on the 99% is valid and obvious.

I have some ideas on objective for the movement.

Campaign Finance Reform is number one. Take the money out of elections. I also think that lobbyist should be banned from Capitol Hill or at least be severely restricted. Former members of Congress should be banned from lobbying for at least 10 years.

The debt crises is bullshit. Forcing the 1% to pay their fair share of taxes would solve the problem immediately. Another good idea is to tax Wall Street financial transactions. That would also solve the debt crises.

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